Document Management
Documents in the supply chain operations play a crucial role, even though we strive for a digital world. The reality is that paper documents still circulate extensively. From signed purchase orders to part drawings, manufacturing drawings, process flow diagrams, declarations, customs clearance documents, and proof of delivery signatures, these documents pass through multiple hands as they traverse the supply chain. Managing the relationships between transactions and documents can become challenging. How do we ensure suppliers don't mix up drawings or deliver incorrect orders?
Another concern is verifying the accuracy of documents before shipping. Have the suppliers prepared all the necessary documents correctly? Are the correct test results attached to the items in the shipment? These day-to-day supply chain problems can be effectively addressed by TPSynergy, a robust document management system tailored for the supply chain.
TPSynergy streamlines document compliance by allowing the development of custom documentation rules. Suppliers must upload customs declarations and laboratory test results before creating an Advance Ship Notice (ASN). Buyers can then validate the documents, ensuring clearance for shipment.
In addition to enhanced document management, TPSynergy employs blockchain technology to bolster security and facilitate auditing. Once approved, documents cannot be altered by anyone in the supply chain, providing an added layer of trust.
With TPSynergy, you can navigate the challenges of document management in the supply chain while maintaining efficiency and security. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to streamlined operations.

How does it benefit your supply chain?
Issues with documentation identified in advance
Ensures document compliance avoiding defective or stuck material.
Provides traceable documents repository
Version history maintains multiple versions of documents
BlockChain technology ensures audit compliance